Can You Guess | CMSMatHome

Can You Guess? CMSM at Home activity from the Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota

Today, we’ll guess, predict, count, and measure!

Gather materials, such as a measuring tape (or a ruler), see-through jars, and a variety of small objects found in your home (beans, paperclips, coins, rocks, cotton balls, small building blocks…).

Fill a see-through container with small objects, then make a guess on their number. Dump them out, count, and see how close you were to your prediction.

Use a spoon or pencil, then measure how many spoon-longs or pencil-longs your bed or couch might be.

Looking for more counting or measuring ideas as you practice critical thinking? Check this out:

Count and measure everyday objects found around your home.

Predict how many feet or inches an ite is, then measure it with a ruler or measuring tape to see if your prediction is close.

Count how many small items (building blocks, beans, paper clips…) can fill up 1″ of your jar, then predict how many would fill the whole container.

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