Make a Bird Feeder | CMSMplay

Make a Bird Feeder | CMSMatHome


Good morning from #CMSMatHome!
Gather some milk or juice cartons, acrylic or spray paint, paint brushes, pencil-sized branches, and some yarn or string. We’ll work on making bird feeders today!
Wash and dry your carton. Ask an adult for help with the cutting, as you will need to make a rectangular opening in the top half of the carton, on both sides. Also have them make a hole about an inch under each opening.
Paint the carton fun colors and designs, then let it dry. Get a branch through the hole so it goes from one side of the carton to the other. Fill the newly-created feeder with bird seeds and use a piece of yarn or string to tie it onto a tree branch, deck, or balcony post.

Further Your Learning:

Check out this website for a lot of information about birds and bird identification.

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