
Members-Only Monarch Tagging

Sep 02 2021
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Members Only Program! Monarch tagging is an important way to document the dynamics of the Monarch’s migration from North America to Mexico. In Southern Minnesota, Monarch tagging usually begins in late August. Join us for small group sessions to tag the monarchs visiting Prairie’s Edge at the Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota. Nets will be provided for children to capture monarchs and volunteers will be assisting with the tagging and data entry process. Three 20-minute sessions are available, with a maximum of 10 children per session. An adult must accompany children. Please meet in the Mayo Clinic Health System Courtyard for your session. This program will be held on Thursday, September 2nd:

  • Session One: 10:00am
  • Session Two: 10:30 am
  • Session Three: 11:00 am

Register online here.

The Museum will be Closing at 2pm on
November 16 for a Private Event