
Courtney Malone

Melting Ice | CMSMatHome
CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Melting Ice | CMSMatHome

  Let’s melt ice today with @CMSMatHome!   First, prepare by freezing clear water or water with some food coloring in ice cube trays or a variety of containers. Get a plastic bin, some utensils, and some cups and scoops.   Add some water into your plastic bin, then dump ice into the water and

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Colorful Leaf Prints | CMSMatHome
CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Colorful Leaf Prints | CMSMatHome

  Good morning from #CMSMatHome! Let’s make some colorful leaf prints today. Get some paper, preferably white, and some felt-tip markers. Gather freshly-picked leaves, but look for sturdy ones with strong vein structure. Color the back side of the leaf (where the veins are) with your marker, then press the colored side onto the white

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CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Make a Rain Gauge | CMSMatHome

  Good morning from #CMSMatHome! This is our 60th daily post in this series, and we’ll consider this a small reason to celebrate! 🙃 Today, we’ll construct a rain gauge. You’ll need a clear plastic bottle, ruler, marker, and some rocks. Cut the top section off a clear bottle with the help of an adult.

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CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Make a Sundial | CMSMatHome

  Good morning from #CMSMatHome!   Let’s put together a sundial today! Get a marker, paper plate, pencil, scissors, and a piece of paper. Draw a clock face on the paper with equally spaced numbers from 1 to 12. Cut out your clock face and glue it to the back of the paper plate. Punch

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CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Follow the Sun | CMSMatHome

  Let’s follow the sun with #CMSMatHome! Have you noticed how the sun changes its location in the sky throughout the day? Do you know how much it moves, and when? Let’s try to observe and record its movement. You’ll need a pencil, some paper, string, and a clock. Find a window in your home

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CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Obstacle Course | CMSMatHome

  It’s time for a Toddler Wednesday with #CMSMatHome!   Today, we’ll build an obstacle course and, through crawling and jumping, work on our gross motor skills.   Gather some chairs, stools, scarves, streamers, tape, pillows, cushions… and anything else that resembles good building material. Find a good spot and start creating your obstacle course.

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CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Experimental Seed Starting | CMSMatHome

  Let’s see what we can grow from foods we eat at home, such as avocado, grapefruit or lemon, or tomato. Sprouting can take 7 – 14 days.   Cut a grapefruit or lemon in half, then scoop out flesh to eat or use in recipes. Collect seeds, add some potting soil or dirt to

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Courtney Malone

Check Out (Quite Literally!) One of These Cool Backpacks!

By now, most parents and caregivers have likely exhausted a long list of ideas to keep children–young and old–occupied and content. Here is something that may help with that! Besides CMSMatHome, a daily prompt for play and hands-on learning, the Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota now has one more exciting project to offer: Prairie’s Edge

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CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Build a Toad Abode | CMSMatHome

We’ll work on a toad abode today. You’ll need a small clay pot (8 – 10″) or a similar container some paint and paintbrushes, and clear polyurethane sealant spray.   Clean and dry your pot, paint some designs inside and outside of it, and let it dry. Have an adult spray the sealant on the

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CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Blotto Painting | CMSMatHome

  Good morning from #CMSMatHome! Let’s do blotto painting together. You’ll need a piece of paper, a paintbrush, sponge, or a stick, and some paint. First, fold the paper in half, then open it back up and paint blobs or shapes on one side. Fold the paper again, press on it with the palms of

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CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Acrostic Poem | CMSMatHome

  Good morning from #CMSMatHome! Choose a word and write it down vertically on a piece of paper. Find a word or phrase that starts with each letter of your chosen word. Add longer phrases to fill in the blanks if needed. Make poems using your name, or names of friends and family members. Try

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CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Colorful Critters | CMSMatHome

  Let’s create colorful critters with #CMSMatHome today! Get some paper, crayons, coloring pencils, or markers. Imagine a critter you’d like to draw; will it be real or something you’ve made up? Start with an outline as you think about its size, how it moves, and how it protects itself. Does it have fur? What

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