
Courtney Malone

CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Falling Faster and Slower | CMSMatHome

  We’ve all dropped things before and watched them fall to the ground. You might have noticed that some things fall faster than other. Let’s experiment! Gather some items that are safe to be dropped. Maybe a ball, sheet of paper, shoe, pencil, feather… We’ll also need a stopwatch or a timer that can be

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CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Shape Hunt | CMSMatHome

  Let’s go on a shape hunt with #CMSMatHome today! First, cut some shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, oval, circle, hexagon, octagon, rhombus… Look around the home and see how many of each shape you can find. Make a list. Observe the colors of your found shapes. Once you exhaust your options inside the home, take

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Molly Playworker butterfly monarch release Childrens Museum of Southern Minnesota
Courtney Malone

CMSM Needs You Now More than Ever

  These are hard times. Yet, life’s hardest moments seem to be what draw us closer to the people we love. We have missed you greatly during this global pandemic. The Museum thrives on being a community space, but our community’s wellbeing depends on our doors being closed, with our galleries empty and our ears

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CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Line Game Art | CMSMatHome

Good morning from #CMSMatHome! Today, we challenge you to a Line Game Art. Get a large sheet of paper (or tape together several letter-sized sheets) and attach it to the wall or lay it on the floor. Use a marker or crayon to draw a line, from top to bottom. Take turns and fill the

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CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Germination Exploration | CMSMatHome

  Good morning from #CMSMatHome! Today, we’ll set up a station for germination exploration. To get this going, you’ll need a paper towel, ziploc bag, a few beans, and a stapler. Place a damp, folded paper towel into your bag, then insert 5 staples about halfway up the bag, to keep the beans in the

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CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Egg Marbleizing | CMSMatHome

  Here’s an easy one for a (lazy?) Saturday with #CMSMatHome! Prepare some cups, 1 tablespoon of each vinegar, cooking oil, and food coloring, some hardboiled eggs, and water. Combine food coloring, oil, and vinegar, and add enough water to cover an egg. Swirl the liquid around with a spoon, then lower an egg into

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CMSM at Home | Birthday Mud Pie
CMSM at Home
Courtney Malone

Birthday Mud Pie | CMSMatHome

It’s the Museum’s 5th birthday today and we’d love for you to join the party, right here with #CMSMatHome! To help celebrate, we’re asking you to bake the best treat a children’s museum would ever want: a birthday mud pie! Post your creation in the comments through the end of the day on Sunday, May

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