
Mayo Clinic Health System

Grow healthy and strong with the 5-2-1-0 steps
Mayo Clinic Health System

Grow Healthy and Strong With the 5-2-1-0 steps

By Michelle McDonough, M.D., family medicine physician in Mankato, Minnesota. Like a tablet with a low battery, or a car running low on gas, your body can run out of energy without its fuel and energy source — food. Just as a tablet needs the right cord to charge and a car requires the correct

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tooth brushing infant dental health for children
Mayo Clinic Health System

A Lifetime of Healthy Dental Habits Starts Early

By Erin Westfall, D.O., family medicine physician, Mayo Clinic Health System Dental infections are one of the most common infections in children. The health of your children’s teeth affects their overall health. Though dentistry has come a long way with the latest dental advancements, you still have to play an active role in your child’s

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The Museum will be Closing at 2pm on
November 16 for a Private Event