
I am the Ag and Nature Education Manager at the Children’s Museum of Southern Minnesota. I grew up on a farm and currently live on a hobby farm. I spent a lot of time outdoors as a youngster, and with my own children, so working with children in an agricultural and outdoor learning environment is exciting, ever-changing and very fulfilling!
Alltech Farm Animal Experience - barn

Little Farm Hands Program

How much do goats eat?  Will those chickens lay eggs?  What’s growing in the garden beds?  What is the difference between hay and straw?  If you  enjoy visiting the Alltech Farm Animal Experience and learning about agriculture, The Little Farm Hand Program is for you! Would you like to know where we keep our feed

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Where Food Comes From

Teaching Children Where Their Food Comes From

Today, most Americans are three generations removed from the farm. While we produce most of our food on farms of one type or another, many consumers lack farm experience. Without that, they will also lack the understanding of how this happens. If you ask them, most children will say that their food comes from a

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AgLab Monarch Exhibit Childrens Museum of Southern Minnesota

Caring for Living Things Cultivates Empathy in Children

Has your child ever watered plants in the gardens or talked to animals in the Farmyard? Perhaps they have visited the Ag and Nature Lab to care for cows in the dairy barn, release a monarch, or build like a beaver? Experiences like these help cultivate empathy, an important skill that requires children to imagine

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The Museum will be Closing at 2pm on
November 16 for a Private Event