Gateway to Play Scholarship Online Application

For families who experience barriers to play, we offer several options to ensure all children have access to play at the Museum. Qualifying families may receive free or “pay as you are able” Gateway to Play scholarships or daily admission. A “barrier” can be many things — income, language, cultural factors, ability, special need, or another special situation. Simply complete the form and survey below. If you would prefer a paper form, download here

Versión en español aquí

Please allow 7 business days for your application to process. After your scholarship application has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email. 

*By providing your email address, you are signing up to receive membership renewal notices and other Museum information.


If you are able to make a contribution to cover a portion of your.membership expense, it helps the Children’s Museum serve more families. 

Gateway to Play Scholarship Survey

Your efforts to complete this CONFIDENTIAL survey are appreciated. Demographic information collected from Gateway to Play members is used only in aggregated form to inform our efforts and communicate with funders.

Thank you for completing this survey!

The Museum will be Closing at 2pm on
November 16 for a Private Event